Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Meet Fredrik !!!

Foreign and Royal for the Day
By Kenya Lewis
Warwhoops! Reporter

SHOSHONE- Fredrick Tveitnes is a foreign exchange student from Norway. “I’ve always dreamed of coming to America, and I saw this as an opportunity.” Tveitnes states.
Fredrick lives in a city the west coast of Norway. For his time in Idaho he is staying with Darren and Amy Taber and will only be here for ten months.
Since Tveitnes has been in America, he has tried many new foods, as well as football, basketball and horseback riding.
According to Tveitnes, he doesn’t have horses in Norway because, “I live in the neighborhood.” He says he was interested in coming to America because of the movie “Dances With Wolves,” and while he would like to see New York and LA, he is more interested in the Great Plains and the buffalo
Some major differences are the heat and the language. “I didn’t know there was 90 degrees Fahrenheit.” He says, and adds with a grin “we use Celsius in Norway.” With summer winding down and winter quickly approaching, Idaho is preparing to show him just how cold it can be.
In describing his home country, he says: “it’s colder and they speak Norwegian.” At home he enjoys sailing in the fjords, hiking, and seafood.
In Norway they celebrate many of the same holidays Americans do, including Christmas and Easter.
During his stay in Shoshone, Tveitnes is taking U.S. History, Band, English, Floral, Physics, Algebra II, Art and Academic Decathlon. He did well in his first decathlon meet including earning an award in the speech competition
In reply to an inquiry as to whether being a foreign exchange student is a difficult process, Tveitnes says, “No, not yet. The most difficult part is the language.”
Tveitnes seems to be popular so far at SHS, already having made many friends and been selected as Junior Class Homecoming Royalty. He has been on the football team, the basketball team and the Decathlon team. “Everyone wants a Norwegian on the team.” He says with a grin.

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