Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Flame Test!!

The Physical Science class has completed a lab this week.  The objective of this lab is to gain a better understanding of the different energy levels in the atoms as evidence by different color of light emitted by the atom when they are exposes to the high temperature of a flame.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Academic Decathlon Competes!

Academic Decathlon team were successful in their first tournament of the season. Top score in the meet was posted by Caleb Aoi, followed by Caulen Bryant and DJ Stanhope. Winners in their divisions were Matt Decker, Anne Gochnour and Quinnton Adams

Monday, December 10, 2012

What's Happening in the classroom

In English!

The 8th graders just finished a successful unit on The Outsiders. The kids really enjoyed the book, and we are excited to see their final projects.

The 10th graders are woking hard on their first research paper using MLA formatting. They're getting a taste of what college papers will look like.

7th grade Geography!

Geography students researched the Three Gorges Dam in China.  It is the worlds largest hydroelectric project found on the Yangtze River (3rd longest in the world). They used iPads to find the information and then wrote a 4 paragraph paper contrasting the human and environmental costs and benefits of the immense dam project.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

FINALS and Semester End!

1st semester will end next week, December 20th!  Finals will be Tuesday-18th, Wed-19th and Thursday-20th.
We will head into the holiday break with a celebration Thursday afternoon after the last final.