This year, Shoshone High, has implemented a freshman career class (High School 101). Our class includes units on Learning and Personality Styles, Career Research, and How to get and keep a job. As part of our career research unit, students have been visiting local businesses. So far, we have visited Twin Falls Fire Department, JUB Engineering, Head Start, Idaho State Police Department in Jerome, Fish and Game,Band BLM. In the near future, they will be touring St. Luke's in Twin Falls. The students have really enjoyed visiting the various businesses and are getting some great career ideas.
This picture is from the Fire Department. Hanna Caylor was chosen to suit up in the 60 pounds of equipment that the fire fighters wear. While there, the students got to watch as the firemen were
called out to an emergency. They were amazed to see the men suit up and leave in less than a minute!